
Charting components
for RAD Studio, Delphi,
C++ Builder, FireMonkey

RAD Studio 12.2 support
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TeeChart Pro charting component library offers hundreds of graph styles in 2D and 3D for data visualisation, 60 mathematical, statistical and financial functions for you to choose from together with an unlimited number of axes and 30 Palette components.

Take Full Control

Full 100% Delphi source code is available to you as an option.

Easy to Use

Discover the user-friendly editor dialogs, available both at design-time and also run-time, for almost every component and sub-component.

Priced Right for You

Steema provides products and services aimed at meeting your highest expectations on getting the best value for your money.

Steema’s commitment

We have been innovating for TeeChart components since 1995 and endeavour to continue to bring you the best of new features in the future.

A quick glance

One source for cross-platform

Targeting Windows, Web and Mobile Apps
Delphi VCL chart component

Create one multi-platform project using Embarcadero's RAD Studio and by using the same chart component you can reach Windows, macOS, iOS, Android and Linux.

Design the forms in the IDE and build/run them to any of the platforms on the list.
You can also use TeeChart (sourcecode version only) with FMXLinux to port/build your charting applications to/for Linux with Embarcadero Delphi 10.3 Rio and up.

Responsive Charts

Deliver Dashboards easily to multi-device / multiple platforms
Delphi VCL chart component

TeeChart will scale and fit to any screen size. If you're building dashboards you can place multiple, resizeable charts on each dashboard panel. FireMonkey framework will handle most of the variations for the different platforms.
Chart examples are available in Steema/TeeChart-FireMonkey repository on GitHub.

Charts for every Industry

Real-Time, Business, Financial and Scientific Data
Delphi VCL chart component

The VCL chart component offers an immense array of charts to display your data in the most effective and manageable way. Over 70 chart types with 2D and 3D views - from common bar, line, area graphs to advanced financial and statistical charts.
Chart examples can be seen in Steema/TeeChart-VCL-FMX repository on GitHub.

Easily customisable Gauges

Interactive gauge indicators: Circular, Linear and Digital gauges
Delphi VCL gauge chart

The charting library provides many gauges type and indicators to visualize data, useful for creating detailed, interactive dashboards or real-time monitoring applications.
TeeChart's gauge offerings includes highly customisable Circular Gauge, Linear Gauge (either horizontal or vertical), Numeric Gauge (Digital Gauge) and variations.

Delphi VCL chart component

Dashboard and Reporting

Build informative Dashboards with the data visualisation tools
This FireMonkey project provides a dashboard report containing charts, grid and map. It uses several TeeChart features in order to interact between the different chart and grid, as well as some chart tools. The dashboard represents the sales activities of a company with products in several markets around the globe.
The dashboard report demo is available in FMX/Dashboard repository on GitHub.


New and improved features

(Current build: 2024.42.241021, Other Version history)

Full support for Embarcadero IDEs (RAD Studio, Delphi and C++Builder) enabling to compile apps for Windows, macOS, iOS, Android and Linux.
Embarcardero IDEs supported include:
- RAD Studio 10.3 Rio, 10.4 Sydney, 11 Alexandria, 12 Athens (sourcecode and binary vs)
- Delphi 7, RAD Studio 2007, 2009, 2010, XE to XE8, 10 Seattle, 10.1 Berlin, 10.2 Tokyo (sourcecode version only)
TeeChart can also be used with FMXLinux toolset (sourcecode version only)

Please note. It is always possible to build and install from TeeChart sourcecode for any IDE version with any update applied, but latest TeeChart binary versions generally include installers for IDEs up-to-date with their latest applicable updates at TeeChart build time. It can't always be guaranteed to have a binary installer available of the latest TeeChart build for IDEs that do not have the latest update applied. Please check with us if in doubt.
70+ chart types and variations. From the commonly used Line, Bar, Area, Pie to those more “field-specific charts” such as Candlestick, Open-High-Low-Close and Contour.
- Standard: Line (Strip), Bar, Area, Pie, Fast Line, Point (Scatter), Bubble, Arrow, Gantt, Shape, Horiz. Line, Horiz. Bar, Horiz. Area
- Financial: Candle OHLC, Renko, Kagi, Point and Figure, Volume, Darvas Boxes, EquiVolume
- Statistical: Error, Error Bar, High-Low, Histogram, Horiz. Histogram, Box-Plot, Horiz. Box-Plot, Violin, Horiz. Violin, Beeswarm, Horiz. Besswarm, Volume Pipe, Funnel (Pipeline), HighLow Line, Ternary, Error Point, Error Point 3D
- Extended: Polar, Radar, Polar Bar, Bezier, Donut, Smith, Pyramid, Map GIS, Organizational Chart,Treemap, Slope, Squarified Map
- 3D: Surface, Contour, Iso-Surface, Color Grid, Waterfall, Triangle Surface, Vector 3D, Tower, Point 3D, Polar Grid, Bubble 3D, Polar Contour
- Other: Bubble Cloud, Line Point, Bar-Join, Bar 3D, Big-Candle, Image Point, Delta Point, Image Bar, Wind-Rose, Rose, Calendar, Tag Cloud
Gauges series type and indicators (Circular, Linear, Numeric, Knob, Equalizer and Combination) to create digital dashboards with visual effects like shadows, lighting, etc.
Provides library of map series including maps of the World, continents and countries like USA with custom properties.
60 financial and statistical indicators including:
- Standard: Add, Average, Count, Divide, High, Low, Median Function, Mode Function, Multiply, Pareto, Subtract, Subset, Custom y=f(x)
- Mathematical: Exponential Moving Average, Exponential Average, Momentum, Momentum Division, Moving Average, Smoothed Moving Average
- Financial: AC ( Acceleration Technical Indicator), ADX (Average Directional Index), Alligator, ATR (Average True Range), AO (Awesome Oscillator), Bollinger Bands, CLV (Close Location Value), CCI (Commodity Channel Index), Compression OHLC, Gator Oscillator, MACD, Money Flow, OBV (On Balance Volume), PPO (Percentage Price Oscillator), RSI (Relative Strength Index), RVI (Relative Vigor Index), SAR (Stop And Reversal), Stochastic, PVO (Percentage Volume Oscillator), Vortex
- Statistical: Centroid, Standard Deviation, Root Mean Square, Performance, Variance Function, Skewness, Kurtosis, Percentage Change, Slope, KDE (Kernel Density Estimation)
- Extended: Correlation Function, Cross points, Cumulative, Curve fitting, Downsampling, Exponential Trend, Histogram, Lagrange, Perimeter Function, Smoothing SpLine, Trend
Many 3rd party reporting components and other applications are compatible with TeeChart such as: IntraWeb VCL, ReportBuilder, QuickReport, FastReport, RAVE, etc.
You can easily create and/or connect to an existing database or dataset in your project. Web source component to retrieve Internet charts and data. Database charting with Summaries, Sorting, Crosstabs and record level.
TeeChart includes a set of 51 tools for additional charting functionality:
Clip Series, Clustering, Cursor, Drag Marks, Drag Point, Draw Line, Extra Legend, Fibonacci, Gantt Drag, Image, Legend Palette, Mark Tips, Nearest Point, Pie Slices, Region, ScrollPager, Series Band, Statistics, Surface Nearest, Axis Arrows, Axis Breaks, Axis Scroll, Color Band, Color Line, Grid Band, 3D Grid Transpose, Annotation, Arrow, Axis ScrollBar, Banner, Chart Layout, ComboBox, Custom Legend, Data Table, Full Screen, Legend Scrollbar, Link, Page Number, Rectangle, Repaint Monitor, Rotate, Selector, SubChart, Transpose Series, Magnify, 2D Lighting, Fader, Frame, Text 3D, Video Creator, Video Player
The Palette provides access to 30 toolkit-specific components including ChartGrid, Navigators, Web source and Control Bar.
Offers you control over the aesthetics of the charts with a set of 25 image filters.
You can easily export charts as images (Flash/Flex, XAML, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, EPS, PDF, PCX, WMF, TIFF, SVG, VML, HTML5, Javascript) and as data to HTML, XML, Text, CSV and Excel (xls, xlsx). And export / import native template (*tee).
TeeChart Editor dialogues translated to 38 languages. Just one mouse click! The translation can be used at design-time and run-time, and even with your custom application forms and texts.
TeeChart fully utilises dynamic arrays of your data, Intel assembler and many speed optimizations.
LiveBinding a Chart to a dataset using a TBindDBChartLink component and a BindScopeDB connected to a DataSource. Series are automatically created.
Supports multiple axes, both Horizontal and Vertical in the same chart. There is no limit to the number of axes in just the one chart.
Live and animated zoom and scroll. Mouse wheel supported.
Includes 16 predefined themes enabling rapid change of many chart properties with a single mouse click.
Customizable colour palette, transparency, 3 color gradients, gray-scale. 2D, 3D plus OpenGL 3D with 360º rotation, lights and shadows. Custom drawing canvas.
Support Forums provide browsable answers to thousands of users’ questions. Optional Professional-level technical support gives the subscriber a priority support link into Steema.
You may distribute your charts royalty-free for use in compiled applications.
See the Software licensing contract to learn more about the use of TeeChart Pro VCL/FMX license.
Includes User Guide, demos, several hundred of coded examples, Tutorials, Blog articles, etc.
Issue Tracker offers an interactive way of entering and monitoring TeeChart issues.
Compare features between the Standard version included in RAD Studio, the commercial Standard and the Professional version via the Feature Comparison table.

New License of 2024

(Free access to teeChart Pro VCL v8 on request)

Perpetual License. Includes one year subscription


Perpetual License. Includes one year subscription


Perpetual License. Includes one year subscription


Perpetual License. Includes one year subscription


Upgrade to 2024

Users of free TeeChart version included in Delphi and C++Builder are NOT eligible for an upgrade price. They are required to purchase a Developer License.

Upgrade from
To Version 2024 and one year subscription
Upgrade from
To Version 2024 and one year subscription
Upgrade from
To Version 2024 and one year subscription
Upgrade from
To Version 2024 and one year subscription

Subscription Renewal for 2024

Subscriptions include all major and minor version releases and forum support

One Year support and major version upgrade protection subscription renewal
One Year support and major version upgrade protection subscription renewal
One Year support and major version upgrade protection subscription renewal
One Year support and major version upgrade protection subscription renewal
Additional options

VCL / FMX news

Previous VCL / FMX news

Volume discounts

We offer discounts when purchasing more than one license. Discounts are as follows:

  • 2 Licenses: 5% discount
  • 5 Licenses: 20% discount
  • 10 Licenses: 25% discount

The volume discount will be automatically calculated if you are making your order online. You just need to enter the quantity of licenses you want to order. For special requirements, please contact us at

Perpetual Licenses and Subscriptions

Steema Licenses are perpetual and sold on a subscription basis. The subscription period is initially for 12 months, renewable annually and includes access to updates and support forums. Please see the Subscription licensing page for complete details.
When the subscription period expires you can optionally renew your subscription for an additional year at the renewal price. We will notify you via e-mail at least 30 days prior to the expiry date.
If your subscription has lapsed over 30 days, the renewal price will not apply and the cost will be that of a license upgrade price.

If you have a question or require more information, call us at +34 972 218 797 between 9:00h and 17:00h central european time or email