The next TeeChart for NET update will include a much enhanced Renko Series that combines with its own Volume plot on a multi-axis chart.
Improvements to Renko and other variable timescale series, including Point & Figure and EquiVolume are being included with the latest revisions of TeeChart for NET (plus Mono versions) only and will follow on other versions of TeeChart later. The following table shows what the latest modifications look like:
 | The new Renko Chart includes its own Volume tracking and supports ATR brick sizing. |
 | EquiVolume marks absolute volume and growth in activity |
 | New Point & Figure supports month marking and year change and works with Close or High-Low values |
The above financial series all include support for ATR box sizing with choice of period. |
These charts may be directly linked to Candle/Open-High-Low-Close (OHLC) Series' data with additional support, in the case of Renko and EquiVolume, for volume data where available.