Australian Delphi Users Group Symposium 2011
Melbourne: March 24th, 2011
Sydney: March 25th, 2011
Steema is pleased to participate one more year with teeChart charting tools aimed to Delphi Developers at the ADUG Symposium 2011 event.
This year it will take place in Melbourne (March, 24th) followed by 1-day in Sydney (March, 25th), with the same content delivered at both venues.
The speakers this year are the Embarcadero Chief Scientist, Allen Bauer and long-time Delphi programmer and Delphi geek, Primoz Gabrijelcic. The Australian speakers are Thorsten Engler and Lachlan Gemmell, Thorsten from NexusDB and Lachlan a veteran of Delphi development and technical support. Malcolm Groves from Embarcadero Australia will give an update on the Embarcadero side of things.
Visit www.adug.org.au for complete information.