In parallel to the new releases of TeeChart Standard and Pro Editions for Xamarin.Forms, an elegant selection of common charts built with TeeChart for Xamarin.Forms Controls has been published on Google Play.
The TeeChart for Xamarin.Forms Controls provide an extensive Chart and Gauge collection for Android, iOS and UWP with animation and interactivity options. Its featureset includes functionalities like Annotations, Colouring Bands, Legends, Fibonacci tool, Series Region, Rotate, Multiple axes and Zooming.
The TeeChart for Xamarin.Forms Standard and Pro Editions are available as a NuGet packages; to access the downloads follow these links:
To see in detail the Version History of the product review the release notes.
You will find many helpful examples code on Steema Github repository to see its functionality in action.
As the rest of the products in Steema's portfolio, TeeChart for Xamarin.Forms license includes a renewable one-year subscription service that entitles customers to free updates and technical support.
For more information visit the product pages.
Please use the Steema Support forum to send us feedback.