I think the actual way of beeing able to put a 'Line Return' in the name of a TTreeNodeShape is not very intuitive.
As a I user, I would think that pressing the 'Return' key while editing the name of a TTreeNodeShape will validate the new name, which is not the case.
Is there a way to intercept the 'Return' key to force stopEditing ? I tried to use the 'onKeyPress' event of the TreeView, but this event isn't called when editing a TTreeNodeShape.
[Editing TTreeNodeShape] 'Return' key to validate a new name
Hi bertrod,
There are cases in which people want to have full text inside a node (including return characters). It just depends on the functionality of the application.
When in 'text' editing mode, the OnKeyPress event of the tree isn't used, since the focus is on the internal memo of the tree.
Off course you can still intercept the 'return' key, see code below
You need to assign the keypress event in the OnStartEditing event, since the memo will not be created at first (only at the first use of it)
You can also disable the use of a return key (see commented code concerning WantReturns property of the internal memo. For more information on this, I refer you to the standard delphi helpfile concerning TMemo)
Best regards,
There are cases in which people want to have full text inside a node (including return characters). It just depends on the functionality of the application.
When in 'text' editing mode, the OnKeyPress event of the tree isn't used, since the focus is on the internal memo of the tree.
Off course you can still intercept the 'return' key, see code below
Code: Select all
procedure TForm2.Tree1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
if Key = #13 then
Key := #0;
procedure TForm2.Tree1StartEditing(Shape: TTreeNodeShape;
var AllowEditing: Boolean);
if Assigned(Tree1.TextEditor.Memo) then
//Tree1.TextEditor.Memo.WantReturns := False;
Tree1.TextEditor.Memo.OnKeyPress := Tree1KeyPress;
procedure TForm2.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
if Assigned(Tree1.TextEditor.Memo) then
Tree1.TextEditor.Memo.OnKeyPress := nil;
You can also disable the use of a return key (see commented code concerning WantReturns property of the internal memo. For more information on this, I refer you to the standard delphi helpfile concerning TMemo)
Best regards,