TChartSeries custom properties
Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 8:48 am
It would help my software development if TChartSeries carried extra customisable properties, e.g. an object pointer. Is that possible?
For example, for me, details such as the real-world source of the data (e.g. a gauge name or location), the variate the data represents and its units, would all be properties of the chart series in a properly object-orientated implementation.
At present I am subclassing various TChartSeries types to add in such properties. The problem is that there's a lot of repeated work for each series type, I can't use the 'change' button in the the excellent TChartEditor to switch between my series types, and when saving and loading charts from a stream I have to strip out my custom properties and revert to standard class names.
If i bought the source code and simply introduced my extra properties into TChartSeries, would both of these problems disappear? Would I be able to use the chart editor without modification to switch between my versions of your series types? And would streaming also work without recoding?
Thanks for your advice.
Trevor Cooper
It would help my software development if TChartSeries carried extra customisable properties, e.g. an object pointer. Is that possible?
For example, for me, details such as the real-world source of the data (e.g. a gauge name or location), the variate the data represents and its units, would all be properties of the chart series in a properly object-orientated implementation.
At present I am subclassing various TChartSeries types to add in such properties. The problem is that there's a lot of repeated work for each series type, I can't use the 'change' button in the the excellent TChartEditor to switch between my series types, and when saving and loading charts from a stream I have to strip out my custom properties and revert to standard class names.
If i bought the source code and simply introduced my extra properties into TChartSeries, would both of these problems disappear? Would I be able to use the chart editor without modification to switch between my versions of your series types? And would streaming also work without recoding?
Thanks for your advice.
Trevor Cooper