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Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 6:19 am
by Marjan

Yes, we're aware of this problem. Even if you try to register dlls manually by calling gacutil /i yourdll, the tool comes back with a "bad strong name" error. We'll fix this and post udated installers shortly.

Installation problem

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 7:17 am
by 9337131
Any idea when the fix will be available? I have the same problem and cannot use the version I bought yesterday?


Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 8:40 am
by 9337131
I just tried to buildthe packages from the sources in Delphi 8.Net.

Building is not an issue - works like a charm. Even the compiled LITE version can be installed without any issue.

The problem is to install the VCL.Design package. This results in telling me that it is not an assembly - Can you provide me with any help here? I need TeeChart rather urgently in a project.


Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2004 5:31 pm
by 9231205
I've been waiting a month already and no happiness. What's the deal?

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2004 10:16 pm
by Marc

Apologies for the delay with getting a reply to you for this issue. It is being checked through and a solution will be offered shortly. We'll send more news to this thread.

Marc Meumann

Still no joy

Posted: Mon May 17, 2004 1:22 pm
by 9231205
Well, it's been yet another month and still no new installer. My idea of "shortly" differs from yours.

Any status on the new installers for Delphi 8? I paid for this months ago and still do not have a usable product.


Delphi 8

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 5:52 am
by 9337131
I have to support Little Mike - is there any activity going on at all to resolve this issue? As far as I can seen this is unresolved since several months. :x

I would appreciate more open communication with your customers. :(

I look forward to receive some good news in the near future



Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2004 7:29 am
by 9337131
Dear all,

I must say that I am seriously disappointed by the lack of information and lack of support for your loyal customers. It leaves a very bad taste that you do not come forward with any real and realistic information regarding the support for Delphi 8.

I consider it misleading that you advertise a Delphi 8 version despite the fact that you know it does not work. And it appears that there is no real interest on your side to rectify this situation.

I have received the following email dated 27-April-2004:
8O -------------------------------------------------------------
Dear Gernot,

Thank you for your message.

David Berneda who is responsible for looking into this issue, will post an status information message today to the Forum thread.

Now we are 6 weeks down the road without any details.

Sorry guys, but this is a real disappointment. :( :( :(


One more week

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 7:08 am
by 9337131
- and still no response. You become a very bad example of customer relation

:evil: :( :?:

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 11:03 am
by Pep
Hi to all,

sorry for delay !
I'll contact with all of you, directly to your mail address to give you a link where you can download a workable version.

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 11:25 am
by Pep

could you (all) send me yours mail address to my mail ( so I can contact directly with you ?

TeeChart 7: problems during installation

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 1:05 pm
by 9334169
Why a private download?. It seems that this concerned more than the participants to this forum. After installing TChart 7 for Delphi 8, I have an error message every time I start delphi 8:

Failed to load C:\Program Files\Steema Software\\Steema.TeeChart.VCL.Design.dll.
C:\Program Files\Steema Software\\Steema.TeeChart.VCL.Design.dll is not a Delphi package/assembly

and this is with a "regular" (ie not a demo) version of both delphi and TeeChart

Gerard Garreau

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 10:28 pm
by Marc

Apologies for delays in getting a complete solution to you on these issues. Some aspects of the problems have been harder to identify than initially expected.

As a summary, a few issues related to the installer that have caused problems are:

GAC issues when building from sources
- The gacutil registry entry the installer is looking for does not exist in all installed machines and in some instances the compiler reports that it can't find a strong name key. Adding the assemblies to the GAC is not obligatory so we recommend adding assemblies manually to Delphi 8 via the "Component -> Installed NET components -> NET VCL components" menu.

In the case of installation of the binary version:
- Some customers have reported that after completely removing Delphi 8 from the machine, including all patches, and then re-installing everything including TeeChart (without the gacutil step) the installation worked correctly. We suspect there may have been an issue with an early Borland patch that caused the problem. Repeating the above steps inhouse gave the same results.

We expect to make an update version available shortly to help resolve the issues outlined above.

Marc Meumann

Can't argue with success

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 3:55 pm
by 9231205
OK now. Worked with PEP to get this issue resolved, and I have seemingly got it resolved now.

Here's what I did to resolve the issue:

1. Uninstall Delphi 8 completely. Yes, I know. I didn't like it either. But you can't argue with success.

2. Reinstall Delphi 8 from Diskette Package. Then apply BOTH I repeat BOTH patches, Upgrade 1 and Upgrade 2. I DID NOT DO THIS ORIGINALLY BECAUSE I THOUGHT THE PATCHES WERE CUMULATIVE. This may in fact be the cause of the issue but not sure.

3. Do not install any other components, Rave, Component One, nothing.

4. Install TChart 7. If necessary, manually add the DLL's to Delphi (not the GAC) by menu->Components->.NET VCL Components->Add and path to the ...Design.DLL.

5. This worked for me. Good luck. Your situation may be different so I make no guarantees.
