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TChart compact framework 2.0 Labels Check Boxes

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 10:30 am
by 9637358
Hi, I created a Chart on Windows Mobile 5.0 with VB 2005 and the latest release of TChart NET component. All is fine a part the check boxes in the legend. I set the property "TChart1.Legend.CheckBoxes = True" to true and they works properly but they actually never show up. No way to see the little box checked. Is there anything I can do?

Paolo Saudin

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 9:38 am
by narcis
Hi Paolo,

This is a known issue (TF02010596) which we expect to fix in future releases.

In the meantime, a solution could be that you added a checkbox in the form for each series in your chart. Those checkboxes would toggle Series' Active property.