chaning color of stacked area at run time
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 8:57 am
what I'm describing it's not a problem, but simply an idea I'm searching for.
I have a chart with 4 series: three of them are stacked area, the last one is a line chart.
It is useful to show how my profit is built:
Initial value + Income +/- Gain (or Loss) = Final Value
(first three values are stacked, and final value is a line).
If the third series contains negative values, the stacked bar correctly goes down, over the second stacked bar.
I want to show these "negative areas" in a different color.
I already found a solution: if I set the third area color with a 50% transparency, the color of the third area changes (mix) when it overlaps the second one.
My question is: is there a way, even programmatically, to change the color of the "negative areas", to a solid color I choose, instead of using the transparency?
thank you for your attention.
Chart code here:
what I'm describing it's not a problem, but simply an idea I'm searching for.
I have a chart with 4 series: three of them are stacked area, the last one is a line chart.
It is useful to show how my profit is built:
Initial value + Income +/- Gain (or Loss) = Final Value
(first three values are stacked, and final value is a line).
If the third series contains negative values, the stacked bar correctly goes down, over the second stacked bar.
I want to show these "negative areas" in a different color.
I already found a solution: if I set the third area color with a 50% transparency, the color of the third area changes (mix) when it overlaps the second one.
My question is: is there a way, even programmatically, to change the color of the "negative areas", to a solid color I choose, instead of using the transparency?
thank you for your attention.
Chart code here:
Code: Select all
object Chart3: TChart
Left = 0
Top = 0
Width = 725
Height = 426
Legend.Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
Legend.Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
Legend.Gradient.Direction = gdBottomTop
Legend.Gradient.EndColor = 14408667
Legend.Gradient.MidColor = clWhite
Legend.Gradient.StartColor = 14408667
Legend.LegendStyle = lsSeries
Legend.Shadow.HorizSize = 1
Legend.Shadow.VertSize = 1
Legend.VertSpacing = 2
MarginRight = 6
Title.Text.Strings = (
Title.Visible = False
BottomAxis.Grid.Color = clSilver
BottomAxis.Increment = 182
BottomAxis.MinorTickCount = 0
BottomAxis.MinorTickLength = 3
BottomAxis.TickLength = 5
LeftAxis.Grid.Color = clSilver
LeftAxis.MaximumOffset = 5
LeftAxis.MinimumOffset = 5
LeftAxis.MinorTickCount = 0
View3D = False
Zoom.Pen.Color = clRed
Align = alClient
Color = clWhite
TabOrder = 0
PrintMargins = (
object AreaSeries1: TAreaSeries
Marks.ArrowLength = 8
Marks.Callout.Brush.Color = clBlack
Marks.Callout.Length = 8
Marks.Visible = False
SeriesColor = 16041064
Title = 'Initial value'
AreaLinesPen.Visible = False
DrawArea = True
LinePen.Visible = False
MultiArea = maStacked
Pointer.InflateMargins = True
Pointer.Style = psRectangle
Pointer.Visible = False
XValues.DateTime = True
XValues.Name = 'X'
XValues.Order = loAscending
YValues.Name = 'Y'
Data = {
object AreaSeries2: TAreaSeries
Marks.ArrowLength = 8
Marks.Callout.Brush.Color = clBlack
Marks.Callout.Length = 8
Marks.Visible = False
SeriesColor = 12778393
Title = 'Income'
AreaLinesPen.Visible = False
DrawArea = True
LinePen.Visible = False
MultiArea = maStacked
Pointer.InflateMargins = True
Pointer.Style = psRectangle
Pointer.Visible = False
XValues.DateTime = True
XValues.Name = 'X'
XValues.Order = loAscending
YValues.Name = 'Y'
Data = {
object AreaSeries3: TAreaSeries
Marks.ArrowLength = 8
Marks.Callout.Brush.Color = clBlack
Marks.Callout.Length = 8
Marks.Visible = False
SeriesColor = 6008319
Title = 'Gain or Loss'
AreaLinesPen.Visible = False
DrawArea = True
LinePen.Visible = False
MultiArea = maStacked
Pointer.InflateMargins = True
Pointer.Style = psRectangle
Pointer.Visible = False
Transparency = 50
XValues.DateTime = True
XValues.Name = 'X'
XValues.Order = loAscending
YValues.Name = 'Y'
Data = {
object LineSeries1: TLineSeries
ColorEachLine = False
Marks.ArrowLength = 8
Marks.Callout.Brush.Color = clBlack
Marks.Callout.Length = 8
Marks.Visible = False
SeriesColor = clBlue
Title = 'Final value'
Dark3D = False
LinePen.Color = clRed
LinePen.Width = 2
Pointer.InflateMargins = True
Pointer.Style = psRectangle
Pointer.Visible = False
XValues.DateTime = True
XValues.Name = 'X'
XValues.Order = loAscending
YValues.Name = 'Y'
Data = {