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Access violation on chart editor?

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 8:19 pm
by 5889868

I have a chart with manually added series(TBarSEries):

fv_dbChartControl.Series[ nSeriesIndex ].AddXY( nIndex,

GetByteCount(nIndex )/ dDivisor,

asxaxislabels[ nIndex ],
newColor );

Now at run time, if i open up chart editor and go to Series->Data source
and pick Function from the list and pick Exp. Average from the function
list, apply and close the editor and run report again (while refreshing
the chart, i do removeAllSereis() nad then add series one by one again
manually). Now i close this report/window, an Access violation/invalid
pointer peration error is happening. Also if i do not pick that function
everthing works fine. Let em know if i am doign soemthing wrong.

Also related question, how do i hide Series->Data Source tab? I tried the
following, but delphi is not recognizing type TChartEditorHiddenTabs, i do
have TeeEdit in my uses list.

newtabs: TChartEditorHiddenTabs;
newTabs := [cetSereisData];
fv_dbChartControl.Hidetabs := fv_dbChartControl.Hidetabs - NewTabs;

Thanks for your help.
- Suma.

The above message i have posted in the newsgroups section also. But may be that is not the right place. Also i found the answer for my second question. I had to add TeeEditCha unit in uses list. But i still need an answer for my first question. Please cc to when replying to this post.

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 4:34 pm
by Pep
Hi Suma,

I'm sorry, I cannot reproduce the problem here using the latest TeeChart Pro v7, all the steps to do are not clear, could you please post the detailed steps to reproduce the problem ?
Also, have you tried to use the FreeAllSeries(nil) method instead of the RemoveAllSeries method ?