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Acceleration of plotting with Mouse Moving over the chart

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 5:49 pm
by 5891318
I am performing calculations that dynamically add points to series, which in turn are automatically plotted on a TeeChart.

One run for example may take 10 seconds, plotting 1000 points for 3 series. But by moving the mouse pointer repeatedly over the chart - the plotting speeds up - leaving a run to take just 5 seconds... What could be happening during the OnMousemove event to speed up the actual repainting of the chart...

What is going on here --- TCPro v5.02... Delphi 6 .. All OS..


Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 3:53 pm
by Marjan
Hi, Brino.

Hmm... Perhaps by moving a mouse you're setting AutoRepaint property to false meaning chart will not be redrawn as new point is added to series. Try setting chart AutoRepaint property to false, then add points and finally set it back to True and repaint chart by calling the Repaint method.

BTW, have you read the article about fast real-time drawing I posted on our web site ( ... =0&thold=0) ? In this article there is an example which demonstrates the fastest way to add/refresh chart in real-time.