LinePen.Visible not working if pointers are not visible
Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 6:32 am
I am using TeeChart for Delphi XE10. I wish to draw gridlines on a special graph using an array of line series. However, it seems that I cannot hide the lines unless I make the pointers visible. This fix was promised in 2013 but does not seem to have happened. Here is the code I am using.
I have found a workaround by making pointers visible and setting the style to psSmallDot, but this may not always be a satisfactory solution. Is there any plan to be able to hide lines even if pointers are also hidden.
Thanks and regards
Code: Select all
with fSeriesTriGridX[i] as TLineSeries do
XValues.Order := loNone;
YValues.Order := loNone;
ParentChart := Chart;
ShowInLegend := False;
LinePen.Visible := not fHideGridLines;
Pen.Style := fGridPenStyle;
if fGridColor = -1 then
Color := clGray
Color := fGridColor;
Active := True;
Thanks and regards