Saving chart with PartnerAxis set = Stack Overflow
Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 10:33 am
VCL/FMX TeeChart ver 2017.22.170619, Delphi 10.2 Version 25.0.27659.1188
If I define 2 custom axes (horizontal and vertical) and set each to be partner axis for the other:
and try to save the chart, I get stack overflow in
I need PartnerAxis in order to make these custom axes movable by the mouse.
Am I doing something wrong? Any workaround?
If I define 2 custom axes (horizontal and vertical) and set each to be partner axis for the other:
Code: Select all
ax:= TChartAxis.Create(master);
ax.Horizontal:= TRUE;
ax.StartPosition:= 25;
ax.EndPosition:= 75;
ax.PositionPercent:= 25;
ax.Title.Text:= 'Custom Horizontal';
hax:= ax;
ax:= TChartAxis.Create(master);
ax.StartPosition:= 25;
ax.EndPosition:= 75;
ax.PositionPercent:= 25;
ax.Title.Text:= 'Custom Vertical';
{ this causes stack overflow in syste.UnicodeFromLocakleChars: }
ax.PartnerAxis:= hax;
ax.UsePartnerAxis:= TRUE;
hax.PartnerAxis:= ax;
hax.UsePartnerAxis:= TRUE;
Code: Select all
function UnicodeFromLocaleChars(CodePage, Flags: Cardinal; LocaleStr: _PAnsiChr;
LocaleStrLen: Integer; UnicodeStr: PWideChar; UnicodeStrLen: Integer): Integer; overload;
Result := MultiByteToWideChar(CodePage, Flags, LocaleStr, LocaleStrLen, UnicodeStr, UnicodeStrLen);
Am I doing something wrong? Any workaround?