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Flat line at Y val

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 6:30 am
by 9231397
Can you advise on best way to add a flat line on a standard XY chart please. I have charts which have X=increment of samples 1 through N000, and a single variable that varies in y axis. I want to put a line at a specified tolerance, say at y=6, so there is a flat line from x min to x max of chart. I can do this by ading linetool, or by adding a tlineseries and drawing t between x-min and x-max. But is there a simpler method that avoids adding another object to my chart? Something like in afterdraw of chart


Re: Flat line at Y val

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 12:10 pm
by yeray
Hi Sean,

I can't think on other ways to do it apart from the alternatives you've mentioned: TColorLineTool or direct drawing at OnAfterDraw event