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Conlicts with base class 'TWinControl'

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:54 am
by 16457425
I have just upgraded my TeeChart from 2010.01 to 2011.03 into C++Builder 2007 and I get a C++ Error that wasn't occurring before:

Teeprocs.hpp(717): E2113 Virtual function '__fastcall TCustomTeePanelExtended::GetDeviceContext(HWND__ *&)' conflicts with base class 'TWinControl'

Has anyone else seen this error and have a workaround/fix? I couldn't find anything on this in this forum.

Thansk in antincipation.

Andrew Bond

Re: Conlicts with base class 'TWinControl'

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 1:43 pm
by narcis
Hi Andrew,

Does this occur in a specific project or with all TeeChart related projects? Have you checked that your C++ Builder Include and Library search paths point to new TeeChart version "Include" and "Lib" folders?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Conlicts with base class 'TWinControl'

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 2:49 pm
by 16457425

Thanks for the quick response. My TEEINCPATH and TEELIBPATH environment variables are set correctly (to ..\TeeChart 2011 for Delphi 2007\..).

It appears the problem occurs because I am also using Developer Express controls (version 2011.1.6) and - in particular - DevEx's Printing System library, which supports TeeChart.

Currently, my source fails to compile because DevEx's <dxPSTCLnk.hpp> file is included BEFORE Steema' <Chart.hpp>.

If I force the inclusion of <Chart.hpp> ahead of <dxPSTCLnk.hpp> then it compiles ok.

Perhaps this is something to do with overriding STRICT (which i have set to true)? That would change the function's signature, owing to HWND being different with/without STRICT.

Were you aware of this incompatibility with DevEx? (I will ask the same question on their website.)

Re: Conlicts with base class 'TWinControl'

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 3:22 pm
by narcis
Hi Andrew,

Thanks for your feedback.

No, I wasn't aware of that but it's Developer Express who does the TeeChart integration with their components. Actually a similar issue was discussed in his thread at DevExpress' forums, it might be helpful for you as well.