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Draw dash line - mobile issue

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 2:05 pm
by 15677821

I have written the below logic to draw the dash line that is displayed on the graph and works fine for desktop browsers. The problem is that the solid line is drawn when I tested using mobile devices and google mobile device tool. Also the the line( dash or sold ) is not displayed when I tested using IE 10 and Edge.

Is there any way to fix this issue? I wanted to draw only dash line for all mobile and desktop browsers. I attached the screenshot here for your reference

Code: Select all

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Test Legend Position</title>

    <!--[if lt IE 9]>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>

    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

    <script type="text/javascript">
        var chart1;

        var maxBelowAlarm = 550;
        var minAboveAlarm = 120;
        var maxAboveAlarm = 120;
        var maxLowTargetRange = 500;
        var maxHighTargetRange = 600;
        var maxAboveTarget = 0;
        var maxBelowTarget = 0;

        function draw() {
            chart1=new Tee.Chart("canvas");

            var line1 = new Tee.Line();

//------------------ Create Legend with customized image.
            chart1.axes.left.labels.decimals = 1;
            chart1.axes.left.scroll = false;
            //Y axis
            chart1.axes.left.setMinMax(10, 600);
            chart1.axes.left.increment = 30;
            chart1.legend.title.visible = false;
            chart1.legend.title.format.font.fill = "rgba(0,0,0,0.6)";
            chart1.legend.format.stroke.fill = "silver";
            chart1.legend.format.stroke.size = 3;
            chart1.legend.format.font.shadow.visible = false;
            chart1.legend.format.shadow.visible = false;
            chart1.legend.position = "bottom";
            chart1.legend.symbol.width = 20;
            chart1.legend.format.gradient.visible = true;
            chart1.legend.symbol.format.stroke.dash = [4, 4];
   = "line";
            chart1.legend.symbol.oldSymbolDraw = chart1.legend.symbol.draw;

            chart1.legend.symbol.draw = function (series, index, x, y) {
                var f = this.format = new Tee.Format(chart1);
                var c = chart1.ctx, fhover = tryHover(series, index, chart1), old = f.fill, olds = f.stroke;

                f.fill = series.legendColor(index);
                f.stroke.fill = series.legendColor(index);
                c.z = -0.01;

                switch ( {
                    case "ellipse": {
                        f.ellipse(x + this.width * 0.5, y, 10, 10);
                    case "barSymbol": {
                        f.rectangle(x + 5 * 2, y - 5.5, 1, 14);
                    case "lineSymbol": {
                        f.rectangle(x + 5 * 0.5, y - 5.5, 10, 14);
                    case "targetSymbolRectangle": {
                        f.rectangle(x + 5 * 0.5, y - 4.5, 14, 12);
                    default: {
                        this.oldSymbolDraw(series, index, x, y);


            chart1.draw();  //get positions

            DrawRectangeForMinMaxAlertLine(chart1, 10);

        function DrawRectangeForMinMaxAlertLine(chart1, dashSize) {

            //Change grid background color.
            //Set background color for Below Alarm threshold. Red
            var myFormatBelowAlarm = new Tee.Format(chart1);
            myFormatBelowAlarm.stroke.fill = "red";
            myFormatBelowAlarm.stroke.size = 1.5;
            myFormatBelowAlarm.stroke.dash = [dashSize, dashSize];
            myFormatBelowAlarm.gradient.visible = true;
            myFormatBelowAlarm.gradient.colors = ["red"];
            myFormatBelowAlarm.transparency = 0.1;

            //Set background color for Above Alarm threshold. Red
            var myFormatAboveAlarm = new Tee.Format(chart1);
            myFormatAboveAlarm.stroke.fill = "red";
            myFormatAboveAlarm.stroke.size = 1.5;
            myFormatAboveAlarm.stroke.dash = [dashSize, dashSize];
            myFormatAboveAlarm.gradient.visible = true;
            myFormatAboveAlarm.gradient.colors = ["red"];
            myFormatAboveAlarm.transparency = 0.1;

            //Set background color for Low Target range. Green
            var myFormatTargetRangeLow = new Tee.Format(chart1);
            myFormatTargetRangeLow.stroke.fill = "#95CE39";
            myFormatTargetRangeLow.stroke.size = 0;
            myFormatTargetRangeLow.gradient.visible = true;
            myFormatTargetRangeLow.gradient.colors = ["#95CE39"];
            myFormatTargetRangeLow.transparency = 0.4;

            var setDashValue = 0;

            //Draw the dashed line and background color on trend report background.
            chart1.series.items[0].beforeDraw = function () {
                //Set background color for Below Alarm threshold. Red
                var xBelowAlarm1 = chart1.axes.bottom.startPos,
                    yBelowAlarm1 = chart1.axes.left.calc(maxBelowAlarm),
                    xBelowAlarm2 = chart1.axes.bottom.endPos,
                    yBelowAlarm2 = chart1.axes.left.calc(maxBelowAlarm + setDashValue);
                // X,Y, Width, Height
                myFormatBelowAlarm.rectangle(xBelowAlarm1, yBelowAlarm1, xBelowAlarm2 - xBelowAlarm1, yBelowAlarm2 - yBelowAlarm1);

                //Set background color for Above Alarm threshold. Red
                var xAboveAlarm1 = chart1.axes.bottom.startPos,
                    yAboveAlarm1 = chart1.axes.left.calc(minAboveAlarm),
                    xAboveAlarm2 = chart1.axes.bottom.endPos,
                    yAboveAlarm2 = chart1.axes.left.calc(minAboveAlarm + setDashValue);
                // X,Y, Width, Height
                myFormatAboveAlarm.rectangle(xAboveAlarm1, yAboveAlarm1, xAboveAlarm2 - xAboveAlarm1, yAboveAlarm2 - yAboveAlarm1);


        function tryHover(series,index) {
            if (series.hover.enabled) {
                var sv=chart1.legend.showValues();

                if ((sv && (series.over==index)) ||
                        ((!sv) && (series.over>=0)))
                    return series.hover;

            return null;

        //----------Resize the chart
        function resize(Chart1) {
            if (!Chart1) return;

            var canvas = Chart1.canvas;
            var proposedWidth = 81;
            var proposedHeight = 72;

            if (screen.height <= 900)
                proposedHeight = 72;
            else if (screen.height > 910 && screen.height <= 1200)
                proposedHeight = 55;

            //set width to canvas
            var w = canvas.parentNode.clientWidth;
            if (canvas.parentNode.clientWidth == 0) {
                w = proposedWidth * window.innerWidth / 100;
            canvas.width = w;
            canvas.setAttribute('width', "" + w + "px");
   = "" + w + "px";

            //set height to canvas
            var h = proposedHeight * window.innerHeight / 100;

            //Adjust the height and set min height
            if (h < 400) h = 400;
            canvas.height = h;
            canvas.setAttribute('height', "" + h + "px");
   = "" + h + "px";

            Chart1.canvas.width = w;
            Chart1.canvas.height = h;
            Chart1.bounds.width = w;
            Chart1.bounds.height = h;


<body onload="draw()" onresize="resize(chart1)">

        <br><canvas id="canvas" width="800" height="600">
            This browser does not seem to support HTML5 Canvas.

Re: Draw dash line - mobile issue

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 10:34 am
by yeray

Try drawing the lines with moveTo/lineTo instead of using the rectangle function. Ie:

Code: Select all

                var c = chart1.ctx;
                c.moveTo(xBelowAlarm1, yBelowAlarm1);
                c.lineTo(xBelowAlarm2, yBelowAlarm2);
                c.lineWidth = myFormatBelowAlarm.stroke.size;
                c.strokeStyle = myFormatBelowAlarm.stroke.fill;

                c.moveTo(xAboveAlarm1, yAboveAlarm1);
                c.lineTo(xAboveAlarm2, yAboveAlarm2);
                c.lineWidth = myFormatAboveAlarm.stroke.size;
                c.strokeStyle = myFormatAboveAlarm.stroke.fill;

Re: Draw dash line - mobile issue

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 5:57 am
by 15677821
Thanks. It is working now

Re: Draw dash line - mobile issue

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 1:05 pm
by 15677821

Below error is thrown when I tested this functionality using browser IE 10.Does IE 10 support this function "setLineDash() for draw the dot line on chart?

Object doesn't support property or method 'setLineDash'

Re: Draw dash line - mobile issue

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 10:24 am
by yeray

According to Mozilla's documentation, setLineDash is supported in IE from version 11: ... etLineDash