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Full Source Code

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 12:16 pm
by 16568799
I downloaded TeeChart2014SourceCode.exe and installed it.
I would like to know where is FMXTee.Series.pas, FMXTee.Series.Surface.pas, etc.?
I found dcu only (after binary installation)...
Do I blind or full source code isn't full?

Roman Krupicka

Re: Full Source Code

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 12:32 pm
by yeray
Hello Roman,

FMXTee.XXX.pas units are exactly equal to XXX.pas units included in the Sources. TeeRecompile copies the units without prefix to the FMX folder (the same for the VCL folder) and renames them before compiling.
So, if you want to see or modify something in FMXTee.Series.pas, open and modify Series.pas and when you'll run TeeRecompile, FMXTee.Series.pas will be created with your modifications.