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iOS compilation error

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 11:47 am
by 16561419

I just downloaded and Installed the latest TChart version (TeeChart 2012.06.120613 VCL/FMX release).
Then I copied the content of the FMI folder to the fmi folder on my MAC, overwritting the previous TChart sources (which were working).
After that I tried to compile my prohject again and I get the following compilation errors (starting just before the first error):

FMX_ListBox.pas(1468,3) Note: Local variable "Allow" not used
FMX_ListBox.pas(244,5) Note: Private field "TCustomComboBox.FPlacement" is never used
Assembling (pipe) /Users/thomasdegen/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iHighScore-grimquailgfpngeacooqsyxudquv/Build/Products/Release-iphonesimulator/
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(626,21) Error: Identifier not found "TAlphaColor"
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(626,21) Error: Error in type definition
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(656,30) Error: Type "TColor" is not completely defined
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(658,43) Error: Type "TColor" is not completely defined
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(670,29) Error: Type "TColor" is not completely defined
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(670,29) Error: This kind of property can't be published
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(670,66) Error: Property can't have a default value
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(670,78) Error: Identifier not found "TAlphaColors"
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(682,30) Error: Illegal expression
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(805,23) Error: This kind of property can't be published
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(805,43) Error: Property can't have a default value
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(805,55) Error: Identifier not found "TAlphaColors"
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(813,23) Error: This kind of property can't be published
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(813,43) Error: Property can't have a default value
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(822,23) Error: This kind of property can't be published
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(822,43) Error: Property can't have a default value
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(822,55) Error: Identifier not found "TAlphaColors"
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(830,21) Error: Illegal expression
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(836,49) Error: Type "TColor" is not completely defined
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(869,34) Error: Type "TColor" is not completely defined
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(869,34) Error: This kind of property can't be published
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(869,77) Error: Property can't have a default value
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(870,40) Error: Identifier not found "clDefault"
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(870,40) Error: The default value of a property must be constant
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(1008,24) Error: Illegal expression
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(1035,39) Error: Type "TColor" is not completely defined
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(1050,25) Error: Illegal expression
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(1055,60) Error: Type "TColor" is not completely defined
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(1071,30) Error: Type "TColor" is not completely defined
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(1071,30) Error: This kind of property can't be published
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(1104,22) Error: Illegal expression
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(1105,22) Error: Illegal expression
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(1108,22) Error: Illegal expression
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(1122,35) Error: Type "TColor" is not completely defined
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(1139,54) Error: Type "TColor" is not completely defined
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(1139,74) Error: Type "TColor" is not completely defined
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(1141,42) Error: Type "TColor" is not completely defined
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(1143,42) Error: Type "TColor" is not completely defined
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(1146,44) Error: Type "TColor" is not completely defined
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(1156,24) Error: Illegal expression
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(1157,24) Error: Illegal expression
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(1158,24) Error: Illegal expression
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(1185,33) Error: Type "TColor" is not completely defined
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(1186,33) Error: Type "TColor" is not completely defined
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(1189,35) Error: Type "TColor" is not completely defined
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(1202,25) Error: This kind of property can't be published
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(1203,25) Error: This kind of property can't be published
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(1206,27) Error: This kind of property can't be published
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(1217,25) Error: This kind of property can't be published
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(1218,25) Error: This kind of property can't be published
FMXTee_Canvas.pas(1218,25) Fatal: There were 50 errors compiling module, stopping

So the first compilation error is: FMXTee_Canvas.pas(626,21) Error: Identifier not found "TAlphaColor"

Did nobody test this before the release or do I miss something?
What should I do to get this compiled?

best regards,


Re: iOS compilation error

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 9:20 am
by 10050769
Hello X-Ray,

Ok. You are right. We find in top of page of TeCanvas.pas(FMXTee_Canvas.pas) there is an error that breaks the code and do it doesn't complie when you use FreePascal in Mac + FMI:

Code: Select all

{$IFDEF D17}
Lines need change to next:

Code: Select all

     {$IFDEF D16}
We will fix it to upcoming maintenace release of TeeChartVCL.


Re: iOS compilation error

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 7:02 am
by 16561419
Hello Sandra,

I just changed the sources in unit "FMXTee_Canvas.pas", starting at line number 81 from:

{$IFDEF D17}


{$IFDEF D16}

But I still get the same compilation errors.
How to get this compiled, are there more changes?

best regards,


Re: iOS compilation error

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 11:20 am
by 10050769
Hello X-Ray,

Thanks for information. We are investigating to find a solution for this problem and we will try to fix it asap.


Re: iOS compilation error

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 1:24 pm
by 16561419
Hello Sandra,

do you have any news concerning a working/compiling version for iOS?

best regards,


Re: iOS compilation error

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:55 am
by 10050769
Hello X-Ray,

Sorry for the delay. We have made for you, an installer, where the problem is fixed. I have sent you an email with information.


Re: iOS compilation error

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 5:05 pm
by 16561863
Hi Sandra

I just updated delphi xe2 (4) to (4H1)
and Installed for the first time the latest version of TeeChart Pro.
Project that used to work do not work any more with the same error as above.
Please how can i get this installer where the problem is fixed ?
it is urgent ! Thanks.
Best regards

Re: iOS compilation error

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 12:18 pm
by yeray
Hi rlebbar,

I've just sent it to the mail account you have registered in this forum.