Strange issue 64bit android mode
Strange issue 64bit android mode
I have strange issue what comes and goes between code and design click i get sometimes ide error message:
Access violation at adress 5005FA6F in module 'rtl280.bpl'. Read of address 00000000
Details below:
[5005FA6F]{rtl280.bpl } System.UTF8IdentToString (Line 17721, "System.pas" + 1) + $0
[24AB29C9]{FMXTee9280.bpl} Fmxtee.Chart.TCustomChartLegend.TitleWidth + $99
[500600D6]{rtl280.bpl } System.@IsClass (Line 18524, "System.pas" + 1) + $8
[5005FC07]{rtl280.bpl } System.TObject.ClassName (Line 17918, "System.pas" + 1) + $5
[24A2994D]{FMXTee9280.bpl} Fmxtee.Canvas.TTeeCanvas.SetCanvas + $29
[24A46B5C]{FMXTee9280.bpl} Fmxtee.Procs.TCustomTeePanel.Paint + $158
[105622D1]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.Controls.DoPaintInternal (Line 3269, "FMX.Controls.pas" + 14) + $8
[10562534]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.Controls.PaintAndClipChild (Line 3294, "FMX.Controls.pas" + 9) + $4
[10562678]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.Controls.TControl.PaintInternal (Line 3317, "FMX.Controls.pas" + 7) + $1
[1055FC97]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.Controls.TControl.GetChildrenRect (Line 2462, "FMX.Controls.pas" + 1) + $7
[5006FD42]{rtl280.bpl } System.Types.UnionRect (Line 2100, "System.Types.pas" + 9) + $4
[10562DEC]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.Controls.TControl.PaintChildren (Line 3460, "FMX.Controls.pas" + 34) + $2
[10562379]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.Controls.DoPaintInternal (Line 3276, "FMX.Controls.pas" + 21) + $8
[10562534]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.Controls.PaintAndClipChild (Line 3294, "FMX.Controls.pas" + 9) + $4
[10562678]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.Controls.TControl.PaintInternal (Line 3317, "FMX.Controls.pas" + 7) + $1
[1055FC97]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.Controls.TControl.GetChildrenRect (Line 2462, "FMX.Controls.pas" + 1) + $7
[5006FD42]{rtl280.bpl } System.Types.UnionRect (Line 2100, "System.Types.pas" + 9) + $4
[10562DEC]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.Controls.TControl.PaintChildren (Line 3460, "FMX.Controls.pas" + 34) + $2
[107BC73E]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.TabControl.TTabItem.PaintChildren (Line 1518, "FMX.TabControl.pas" + 7) + $2
[10562379]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.Controls.DoPaintInternal (Line 3276, "FMX.Controls.pas" + 21) + $8
[14DEAA35]{fmxdesigner280.bpl} FmxSurface.TFmxDesignSurface.IsSelected (Line 5514, "FmxSurface.pas" + 19) + $10
[10562589]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.Controls.PaintAndClipChild (Line 3300, "FMX.Controls.pas" + 15) + $4
[10562678]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.Controls.TControl.PaintInternal (Line 3317, "FMX.Controls.pas" + 7) + $1
[1056966E]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.Controls.TStyledControl.GetResourceControl (Line 6229, "FMX.Controls.pas" + 3) + $8
[500600D6]{rtl280.bpl } System.@IsClass (Line 18524, "System.pas" + 1) + $8
[50060101]{rtl280.bpl } System.@AsClass (Line 18530, "System.pas" + 2) + $8
[107C0991]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.TabControl.TTabControl.GetTabItem (Line 2721, "FMX.TabControl.pas" + 2) + $25
[107BF096]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.TabControl.ActiveTabContentPaint (Line 2288, "FMX.TabControl.pas" + 11) + $B
[107BF61B]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.TabControl.TTabControl.PaintChildren (Line 2373, "FMX.TabControl.pas" + 15) + $1
[10562379]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.Controls.DoPaintInternal (Line 3276, "FMX.Controls.pas" + 21) + $8
[5006FD42]{rtl280.bpl } System.Types.UnionRect (Line 2100, "System.Types.pas" + 9) + $4
[10562589]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.Controls.PaintAndClipChild (Line 3300, "FMX.Controls.pas" + 15) + $4
[10562678]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.Controls.TControl.PaintInternal (Line 3317, "FMX.Controls.pas" + 7) + $1
[5006FD42]{rtl280.bpl } System.Types.UnionRect (Line 2100, "System.Types.pas" + 9) + $4
[1059D075]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.Forms.TCustomForm.PaintRects (Line 6265, "FMX.Forms.pas" + 47) + $2
[1059D221]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.Forms.TCustomForm.PaintTo (Line 6308, "FMX.Forms.pas" + 3) + $38
[14E0966A]{fmxdesigner280.bpl} FmxFormDesigner.TFmxRootDesigner.GetFormScreenshot (Line 965, "FmxFormDesigner.pas" + 19) + $D
[14E097E8]{fmxdesigner280.bpl} FmxFormDesigner.TFmxRootDesigner.GetViewPreview (Line 1010, "FmxFormDesigner.pas" + + $6
[20F52568]{designide280.bpl} ComponentDesigner.TComponentRoot.GetViewPreview (Line 5857, "ComponentDesigner.pas" + 15) + $7
[10146209]{MultidevicePreview280.bpl} DesignPreviewCommon.TPrevViewDevice.GenerateViewPreview (Line 528, "DesignPreviewCommon.pas" + + $A
[10145A19]{MultidevicePreview280.bpl} DesignPreviewCommon.TPrevViewDevice.Thumbnail (Line 281, "DesignPreviewCommon.pas" + + $3
[1014F0B2]{MultidevicePreview280.bpl} DesignPreviewFrm.TfrmDesignPreview.UpdateThumb (Line 733, "DesignPreviewFrm.pas" + 27) + $44
[50D489F1]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.ComCtrls.TListItems.SetUpdateState (Line 17878, "Vcl.ComCtrls.pas" + 18) + $F
[1014EE07]{MultidevicePreview280.bpl} DesignPreviewFrm.TfrmDesignPreview.TickTackTimer (Line 665, "DesignPreviewFrm.pas" + 27) + $7
[50D91E57]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.ExtCtrls.TTimer.Timer (Line 3222, "Vcl.ExtCtrls.pas" + 1) + $E
[50D91D37]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.ExtCtrls.TTimer.WndProc (Line 3180, "Vcl.ExtCtrls.pas" + 4) + $7
[50174200]{rtl280.bpl } System.Classes.StdWndProc (Line 18318, "System.Classes.pas" + + $0
[50E0D68F]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage (Line 11317, "Vcl.Forms.pas" + 23) + $1
[50E0D6D2]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage (Line 11347, "Vcl.Forms.pas" + 1) + $4
[50E0DA11]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.Run (Line 11486, "Vcl.Forms.pas" + 27) + $3
[004F6F82]{bds.exe } bds.bds (Line 227, "" + 16) + $2
As i don't have idea where to search, it comes and goes, There was about 2 hours without and if i changed something in chart it startet again.
I have strange issue what comes and goes between code and design click i get sometimes ide error message:
Access violation at adress 5005FA6F in module 'rtl280.bpl'. Read of address 00000000
Details below:
[5005FA6F]{rtl280.bpl } System.UTF8IdentToString (Line 17721, "System.pas" + 1) + $0
[24AB29C9]{FMXTee9280.bpl} Fmxtee.Chart.TCustomChartLegend.TitleWidth + $99
[500600D6]{rtl280.bpl } System.@IsClass (Line 18524, "System.pas" + 1) + $8
[5005FC07]{rtl280.bpl } System.TObject.ClassName (Line 17918, "System.pas" + 1) + $5
[24A2994D]{FMXTee9280.bpl} Fmxtee.Canvas.TTeeCanvas.SetCanvas + $29
[24A46B5C]{FMXTee9280.bpl} Fmxtee.Procs.TCustomTeePanel.Paint + $158
[105622D1]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.Controls.DoPaintInternal (Line 3269, "FMX.Controls.pas" + 14) + $8
[10562534]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.Controls.PaintAndClipChild (Line 3294, "FMX.Controls.pas" + 9) + $4
[10562678]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.Controls.TControl.PaintInternal (Line 3317, "FMX.Controls.pas" + 7) + $1
[1055FC97]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.Controls.TControl.GetChildrenRect (Line 2462, "FMX.Controls.pas" + 1) + $7
[5006FD42]{rtl280.bpl } System.Types.UnionRect (Line 2100, "System.Types.pas" + 9) + $4
[10562DEC]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.Controls.TControl.PaintChildren (Line 3460, "FMX.Controls.pas" + 34) + $2
[10562379]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.Controls.DoPaintInternal (Line 3276, "FMX.Controls.pas" + 21) + $8
[10562534]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.Controls.PaintAndClipChild (Line 3294, "FMX.Controls.pas" + 9) + $4
[10562678]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.Controls.TControl.PaintInternal (Line 3317, "FMX.Controls.pas" + 7) + $1
[1055FC97]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.Controls.TControl.GetChildrenRect (Line 2462, "FMX.Controls.pas" + 1) + $7
[5006FD42]{rtl280.bpl } System.Types.UnionRect (Line 2100, "System.Types.pas" + 9) + $4
[10562DEC]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.Controls.TControl.PaintChildren (Line 3460, "FMX.Controls.pas" + 34) + $2
[107BC73E]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.TabControl.TTabItem.PaintChildren (Line 1518, "FMX.TabControl.pas" + 7) + $2
[10562379]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.Controls.DoPaintInternal (Line 3276, "FMX.Controls.pas" + 21) + $8
[14DEAA35]{fmxdesigner280.bpl} FmxSurface.TFmxDesignSurface.IsSelected (Line 5514, "FmxSurface.pas" + 19) + $10
[10562589]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.Controls.PaintAndClipChild (Line 3300, "FMX.Controls.pas" + 15) + $4
[10562678]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.Controls.TControl.PaintInternal (Line 3317, "FMX.Controls.pas" + 7) + $1
[1056966E]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.Controls.TStyledControl.GetResourceControl (Line 6229, "FMX.Controls.pas" + 3) + $8
[500600D6]{rtl280.bpl } System.@IsClass (Line 18524, "System.pas" + 1) + $8
[50060101]{rtl280.bpl } System.@AsClass (Line 18530, "System.pas" + 2) + $8
[107C0991]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.TabControl.TTabControl.GetTabItem (Line 2721, "FMX.TabControl.pas" + 2) + $25
[107BF096]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.TabControl.ActiveTabContentPaint (Line 2288, "FMX.TabControl.pas" + 11) + $B
[107BF61B]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.TabControl.TTabControl.PaintChildren (Line 2373, "FMX.TabControl.pas" + 15) + $1
[10562379]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.Controls.DoPaintInternal (Line 3276, "FMX.Controls.pas" + 21) + $8
[5006FD42]{rtl280.bpl } System.Types.UnionRect (Line 2100, "System.Types.pas" + 9) + $4
[10562589]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.Controls.PaintAndClipChild (Line 3300, "FMX.Controls.pas" + 15) + $4
[10562678]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.Controls.TControl.PaintInternal (Line 3317, "FMX.Controls.pas" + 7) + $1
[5006FD42]{rtl280.bpl } System.Types.UnionRect (Line 2100, "System.Types.pas" + 9) + $4
[1059D075]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.Forms.TCustomForm.PaintRects (Line 6265, "FMX.Forms.pas" + 47) + $2
[1059D221]{fmx280.bpl } FMX.Forms.TCustomForm.PaintTo (Line 6308, "FMX.Forms.pas" + 3) + $38
[14E0966A]{fmxdesigner280.bpl} FmxFormDesigner.TFmxRootDesigner.GetFormScreenshot (Line 965, "FmxFormDesigner.pas" + 19) + $D
[14E097E8]{fmxdesigner280.bpl} FmxFormDesigner.TFmxRootDesigner.GetViewPreview (Line 1010, "FmxFormDesigner.pas" + + $6
[20F52568]{designide280.bpl} ComponentDesigner.TComponentRoot.GetViewPreview (Line 5857, "ComponentDesigner.pas" + 15) + $7
[10146209]{MultidevicePreview280.bpl} DesignPreviewCommon.TPrevViewDevice.GenerateViewPreview (Line 528, "DesignPreviewCommon.pas" + + $A
[10145A19]{MultidevicePreview280.bpl} DesignPreviewCommon.TPrevViewDevice.Thumbnail (Line 281, "DesignPreviewCommon.pas" + + $3
[1014F0B2]{MultidevicePreview280.bpl} DesignPreviewFrm.TfrmDesignPreview.UpdateThumb (Line 733, "DesignPreviewFrm.pas" + 27) + $44
[50D489F1]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.ComCtrls.TListItems.SetUpdateState (Line 17878, "Vcl.ComCtrls.pas" + 18) + $F
[1014EE07]{MultidevicePreview280.bpl} DesignPreviewFrm.TfrmDesignPreview.TickTackTimer (Line 665, "DesignPreviewFrm.pas" + 27) + $7
[50D91E57]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.ExtCtrls.TTimer.Timer (Line 3222, "Vcl.ExtCtrls.pas" + 1) + $E
[50D91D37]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.ExtCtrls.TTimer.WndProc (Line 3180, "Vcl.ExtCtrls.pas" + 4) + $7
[50174200]{rtl280.bpl } System.Classes.StdWndProc (Line 18318, "System.Classes.pas" + + $0
[50E0D68F]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage (Line 11317, "Vcl.Forms.pas" + 23) + $1
[50E0D6D2]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage (Line 11347, "Vcl.Forms.pas" + 1) + $4
[50E0DA11]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.Run (Line 11486, "Vcl.Forms.pas" + 27) + $3
[004F6F82]{bds.exe } bds.bds (Line 227, "" + 16) + $2
As i don't have idea where to search, it comes and goes, There was about 2 hours without and if i changed something in chart it startet again.
Re: Strange issue 64bit android mode
This line could give us some clue:
[24AB29C9]{FMXTee9280.bpl} Fmxtee.Chart.TCustomChartLegend.TitleWidth + $99
I've tried to reproduce the problem with a simple chart without success. I've added a couple of Bar series and a Legend Title. I've activated the "Android 64-bit" target platform, and switched between design and code views without issues.
Is this what I should be testing?
This line could give us some clue:
[24AB29C9]{FMXTee9280.bpl} Fmxtee.Chart.TCustomChartLegend.TitleWidth + $99
I've tried to reproduce the problem with a simple chart without success. I've added a couple of Bar series and a Legend Title. I've activated the "Android 64-bit" target platform, and switched between design and code views without issues.
Is this what I should be testing?
Best Regards,
Yeray Alonso Development & Support Steema Software Av. Montilivi 33, 17003 Girona, Catalonia (SP) | |
Please read our Bug Fixing Policy |
Re: Strange issue 64bit android mode
Hi Yeray,
Will do some more test today to see where it is, but for me seems that it may be issue between two separate pages where in both chart is loaded. I have first made code where chart will be loaded to not so called main page, but next page. Now i try do all same but only with main page, that there is only visible page where chart will be loaded, Will give a results if only main page is tested.
Will do some more test today to see where it is, but for me seems that it may be issue between two separate pages where in both chart is loaded. I have first made code where chart will be loaded to not so called main page, but next page. Now i try do all same but only with main page, that there is only visible page where chart will be loaded, Will give a results if only main page is tested.
Re: Strange issue 64bit android mode
I have play, no matter what and how, i get these errors. If i remove chart's from form, then no issue anymore. Also no matter is it in first or last page. It seems more Fmx cannot handle chart so, so it gives error. Same code runs in win32 mode without any problem, so its related somehow with Fmx.
Re: Strange issue 64bit android mode
Found it. It will come active, when target as phone is connected. When disconnect phone, no messages. Samsung S21 Ultra and Samsung S10 + from both same, so not a phone problem. Any ideas or hint where to check? Developer mode settings?
Re: Strange issue 64bit android mode
Yes it's comes after chart added to form and target is Samsung S21 or S10 64 bit
Can be tested so: In Delphi 11 & Win10-64bit-> New-> Multi Device Application-> Header/Footer with Navigation-> make destination folder it->
Add chart1 to form and press run. And it comes in my pc. Without chart just press run and no error.
Can be tested so: In Delphi 11 & Win10-64bit-> New-> Multi Device Application-> Header/Footer with Navigation-> make destination folder it->
Add chart1 to form and press run. And it comes in my pc. Without chart just press run and no error.
Re: Strange issue 64bit android mode
This seems to work fine for me here both with a Pocophone F1 and a Lenovo M10 tablet: Note I've added the
unit and this code at the FormCreate
, just to verify the version found by the compiler:
Code: Select all
Best Regards,
Yeray Alonso Development & Support Steema Software Av. Montilivi 33, 17003 Girona, Catalonia (SP) | |
Please read our Bug Fixing Policy |
Re: Strange issue 64bit android mode
Hi Yeray,
I have same verson in title, but this FMXTee.Constants have'nt solved my issue. I have also write to Embarcadero that such problem exist and they have also tested and found it. You can download full test project from one of my site link, its about 70mb because of Android and Android 64 folders.
So You can add 64 bit unit as target for test and as im not only one who have that issue, then You should get it too.
I have same verson in title, but this FMXTee.Constants have'nt solved my issue. I have also write to Embarcadero that such problem exist and they have also tested and found it. You can download full test project from one of my site link, its about 70mb because of Android and Android 64 folders.
So You can add 64 bit unit as target for test and as im not only one who have that issue, then You should get it too.
Re: Strange issue 64bit android mode
No issues for me here with your project:
No issues for me here with your project:
Best Regards,
Yeray Alonso Development & Support Steema Software Av. Montilivi 33, 17003 Girona, Catalonia (SP) | |
Please read our Bug Fixing Policy |
Re: Strange issue 64bit android mode
Hi Yeray,
Good. Here is from same project test answer from Embarcadero support:
Thank you for your reply and for providing your test case project.
I was able to reproduce the AV thrown in Rad Studio. I suspect this issue may be a bug either in TChart or Rad Studio. Please go ahead and submit a defect report against the issue to Quality. The interface will allow you to attach your test case. To reduce the size of your zip, make sure to clean the project or manually remove the generated Android/Android64 folders under the project folder before adding to an archive.
As im not sure what it cause, but it exist.
Do You have any samsung phone to test via usb target development mode?
Good. Here is from same project test answer from Embarcadero support:
Thank you for your reply and for providing your test case project.
I was able to reproduce the AV thrown in Rad Studio. I suspect this issue may be a bug either in TChart or Rad Studio. Please go ahead and submit a defect report against the issue to Quality. The interface will allow you to attach your test case. To reduce the size of your zip, make sure to clean the project or manually remove the generated Android/Android64 folders under the project folder before adding to an archive.
As im not sure what it cause, but it exist.
Do You have any samsung phone to test via usb target development mode?
Re: Strange issue 64bit android mode
I'm afraid I'm getting confused and some clarifications would be appreciated.
If the problem is reproducible at design-time, please right click on the form to see what TeeChart version is being used at design-time.
What makes you think it can be something related to a specific phone brand?
I'm afraid I'm getting confused and some clarifications would be appreciated.
Should I try to reproduce the problem changing between code and design views, or running the application?
If the problem is reproducible at design-time, please right click on the form to see what TeeChart version is being used at design-time.
The suggestion of adding
was to check what TeeChart version is being used at runtime (with TeeMsg_Version
constant); it wasn't supposed to fix the problem.I'm afraid I don't have access to any Samsung phone right now.
What makes you think it can be something related to a specific phone brand?
Please share the link with us when you'll have it.
Best Regards,
Yeray Alonso Development & Support Steema Software Av. Montilivi 33, 17003 Girona, Catalonia (SP) | |
Please read our Bug Fixing Policy |