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X axis label format

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 7:00 pm
by 15965760
My x axis is in feet from zero to many thousands. I divide the x values by 100 before populating with addXY. I increment by 1. Thus the x axis shows 1, 2, 3, etc. with 3 minor ticks between them. However, I need to increment by .5 with 4 minor ticks and the format of the labels needs two decimal points with a plus sign (+) substituted for a period (.).

So my x axis needs to display like... 0 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 etc. with the minor ticks in between. I have been unsuccessful at even getting the axis labels to format with two decimal points, let alone substituting the period with a plus sign.

I need to know exactly how (detailed) to accomplish this formatting. And please don't ask for a project, simply pick any line chart and put the x axis in feet from zero up to a few hundred / 100, increment by .5 and what you will get is 0, 0.50, 1, 1.50, 2, 2.50, etc. Which, as explained, needs to be (for me) 0, 0+50, 1+00, 1+50, 2+00, 2+50, etc.

Re: X axis label format

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 7:39 pm
by 15965760
Well, nevermind.... but for others needing anything similar, I finally got it like this..

Code: Select all

  // Args contains axis, index order to be displayed, labelText
  function handleGetAxisLabel($sender, $args){
        if ($args[0] === $sender->getAxes()->getBottom()){   
            $args[0]->getLabels()->labelText = number_format($args[2],2,"+","");
        }// end if
  }// end function 			  
	$handlers = new EventHandlerCollection();
  $handlers->add(new EventHandler(new ChartEvent('OnGetAxisLabel'),'handleGetAxisLabel'));
  //$chart = new TChart(1000,600, $handlers);