Viewing seriesMarks on deman
Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 12:43 pm
Is there any way of viewing single SeriesMark-values only on demand? I.e. if the mouse is within a certain distance of a point, it is set visible?
Today I have a nearestpoint-line to the closest point, along with a simple annotation, but it does not look good and the nearestpoint-line flies around like a diseased dog (surely due to my "All series -> all points"-traversing algorithms but still).
So instead, I'd like to just toggle the Series.getMarks.getCertainMark.getCallout.setVisible true or something. Unfortunately it does not seem like I am able to obtain a single mark for such editing. My question is thus; can I toggle the visibility of a single point's series mark? That would be so sweet!! I have included a snippet of how I tried doing it but which didnt work
Thanks in advance!
Today I have a nearestpoint-line to the closest point, along with a simple annotation, but it does not look good and the nearestpoint-line flies around like a diseased dog (surely due to my "All series -> all points"-traversing algorithms but still).
So instead, I'd like to just toggle the Series.getMarks.getCertainMark.getCallout.setVisible true or something. Unfortunately it does not seem like I am able to obtain a single mark for such editing. My question is thus; can I toggle the visibility of a single point's series mark? That would be so sweet!! I have included a snippet of how I tried doing it but which didnt work
Thanks in advance!
Code: Select all
((MarksItem) (miniSeries.getMarks().getItems().get(pointIndex))).setVisible(true);