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Annotation Problem

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2004 3:26 pm
by 6925334
Hi all,

I am having trouble removing the Frame from an annotation Rectangle.

Is there a way to achieve this?


Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2004 5:48 pm
by Pep

you can do :
tChart1.Tools.Items(0).asAnnotation.Shape.Frame.Visible = False

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 11:57 am
by 6925334
I have tried to use the above code but i get an error on the asp page.

The following is the code i have used
With Chart

.Tools.Add tcAnnotate
.Tools.Items(2).Active = True
With .Tools.Items(2).asAnnotation
.Position = ppRightTop
.Shape.Gradient.Visible = false
.Shape.ShapeStyle = fosRectangle
.Shape.Font.Name = "Verdana"
.Shape.Font.Color = RGB(170,170,204)
.Text = "TEST"
.Shape.Shadow.Color = vbwhite
.Shape.Frame.Visible = False
End With
End With

and the error i get:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01b6'

Object doesn't support this property or method: 'Shape.Frame'

Am i doing something wrong here?
Please help

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 2:45 pm
by Pep
Hi norad,

>Object doesn't support this property or method: 'Shape.Frame'
Yes, you're correct, it's a bug. I've added it on our defect list and a fix for it will be considered to inclusion for the next maintenance releases.

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 7:59 am
by 6925334
Thanks for your reply, i will be waiting the maintenance release
