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VC++ documentation

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 11:55 am
by 9078641
TeeChart appears to be a good product, however the level of documentation for Visual C++ users is to say the least pitiful.

At first glance the short tutorial looks like a project started by a Delphi/VB programmer who gave up about 1/3 of the way through, and decided it was time to teach VC++ programmers how to read VB.

Well I for one, do not want to learn VB, thank goodness I dumped BASIC years ago, I’m not going to rant on about the pro’s and con’s….I hate VB because it has a crappy syntax. I’ll step down from my soap box now 

However I am amazed at the company “Steema”.
Here is a company that has a product, which with a little effort could sell a lot more licenses to VC programmers if only they had decent documentation.

Claiming that the VB help documetation is OK for VC++ programmers is a sorry excuse, frankly spoken:
It looks like Steema is just lazy and can’t be bothered to do a professional job with VC documentation.

I get the impression Steema is run by programmers, and I suspect Delphi/VB programmers at that, with some kind of mission to convert the world to Delphi or VB !

Steema ……WAKE UP you have a good product, why not document it in a professional way !

Come up with a decent VC++ help file, something along the lines of help that comes with Visual Studio, and then make it known to the VC world that TeeChart now has decent help documentation, it’s a sure fire thing IT WILL SELL MORE TeeChart licenses.

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 12:21 pm
by Chris
Hi -

The subject of documentation has come up many times in the past. For a discussion on documentation in general, you may care to read the following steema newsgroup thread:

For a brief discussion on VC++ documentation in particular, you may care to read:

Link are no good.

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 1:36 pm
by 9078641
Thanks I'd like to get some other points of view...

Links are not working.

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 2:04 pm
by Chris
Hi -

OK -- it looks like you will have to go to:

and type in:

documentation ^*teechart*

to the Search For: textbox. Change Results by: to Thread and read the first two threads to appear.

Well well.... I was there a long time ago...

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 2:29 pm
by 9078641
The search brings up over ONE HUNDRED complaints about poor documentation.....

Steema .... WAKE UP .....

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 2:41 pm
by Chris
Hi --
The search brings up over ONE HUNDRED complaints about poor documentation.....

Steema .... WAKE UP .....
I'm sorry, did you actually read the two threads I pointed you to? Following the instructions in my previous message you should be able to access them; they are called:
Descent documentation!!
Teechart Visual C++ documentation problems

Yes I did... if you mean this

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 6:19 pm
by 9078641
Chris, it's this attitude I tried to outline in this new thread, and there are many other people tat agree with me in the other threads.

NO NO and NO again !... The set of documentation is NOT already there.

Simply put the VB help file is a mess.

I can see once again there is little hope of getting Steema to undersatnd what the real needs are for VC++ customers. My previous comment stands...

quote from thread.

The set of documentation is already there. The Class Library in the
TeeChart6.ocx is indentical in whichever programming environment you choose
to use it in, that is, the very same methods, properties and events are
available in both MS VB and MS VC++. Given that properties in VC++ are split
in to GetXXX and SetXXX then it becomes clear that instead of searching for
SetAngle() in the documentation you should be searching for Angle; give it a
go - open the TeeChart Help, select the index and type in "Angle".

Best Regards,

Christopher Ireland