Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 1:46 am
by 6918861
<!--METADATA NAME="TeeChart Pro v5 ActiveX Control" TYPE="TypeLib" UUID="{B6C10482-FB89-11D4-93C9-006008A7EED4}"-->
dim i, j
dim strParams
strParams = "arealine1:750:230:right:-1:-1:-1:3::Business Labor ():#,##0."
dim strLabels
strLabels = "Jan 2005:Feb 2005:Mar 2005:Apr 2005:May 2005:Jun 2005:Jul 2005:Aug 2005:" & _
"Sep 2005:Oct 2005:Nov 2005:Dec 2005:Jan 2006:Feb 2006:Mar 2006:Apr 2006:May 2006:" & _
"Jun 2006:Jul 2006:Aug 2006:Sep 2006:Oct 2006:Nov 2006:Dec 2006:Jan 2007:Feb 2007:" & _
"Mar 2007:Apr 2007:May 2007:Jun 2007:Jul 2007:Aug 2007:Sep 2007:Oct 2007:Nov 2007:" & _
"Dec 2007:Jan 2008:Feb 2008:Mar 2008:Apr 2008:May 2008:Jun 2008:Jul 2008:Aug 2008:" & _
"Sep 2008:Oct 2008:Nov 2008:Dec 2008:Jan 2009:Feb 2009:Mar 2009:Apr 2009:May 2009:" & _
"Jun 2009:Jul 2009:Aug 2009:Sep 2009:Oct 2009:Nov 2009:Dec 2009"
dim strSeries
strSeries = "scArea,Baseline|880,Blue:2008,Blue:3449,Blue:4873,Blue:6442,Blue:7703,Blue:" & _
"9797,Blue:10318,Blue:10838,Blue:11359,Blue:11879,Blue:12142,Blue:12142,Blue:12142,Blue:" & _
"12142,Blue:12142,Blue:12142,Blue:12142,Blue:12142,Blue:12142,Blue:12142,Blue:12142,Blue:" & _
"12142,Blue:12142,Blue:12142,Blue:12142,Blue:12142,Blue:12142,Blue:12142,Blue:12142,Blue:" & _
"12142,Blue:12142,Blue:12142,Blue:12142,Blue:12142,Blue:12142,Blue:12142,Blue:12142,Blue:" & _
"12142,Blue:12142,Blue:12142,Blue:12142,Blue:12142,Blue:12142,Blue:12142,Blue:12142,Blue:" & _
"12142,Blue:12142,Blue:12142,Blue:12142,Blue:12142,Blue:12142,Blue:12142,Blue:12142,Blue:" & _
"12142,Blue:12142,Blue:12142,Blue:12142,Blue:12142,Blue:12142,Blue!scLine,Committed|880,Red:" & _
"2008,Red:3449,Red:4873,Red:6442,Red:7703,Red:7703,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:" & _
"0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:" & _
"0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:" & _
"0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:0,Red:" & _
"0,Red:0,Red!scLine,Accepted|0,vbGreen:0,vbGreen:0,Green:0,Green:0,Green:0,Green:7703,Green:7703,Green:" & _
"7703,Green:7703,Green:7703,Green:7703,Green:7703,Green:7703,Green:7703,Green:7703,Green:7703,Green:" & _
"7703,Green:7703,Green:7703,Green:7703,Green:7703,Green:7703,Green:7703,Green:7703,Green:7703,Green:" & _
"7703,Green:7703,Green:7703,Green:7703,Green:7703,Green:7703,Green:7703,Green:7703,Green:7703,Green:" & _
"7703,Green:7703,Green:7703,Green:7703,Green:7703,Green:7703,Green:7703,Green:7703,Green:7703,Green:" & _
"7703,Green:7703,Green:7703,Green:7703,Green:7703,Green:7703,Green:7703,Green:7703,Green:7703,Green:" & _
dim arrParams: arrParams = split(strParams,":")
dim arrLabels: arrLabels = split(strLabels,":")
dim arrSeries: arrSeries = split(strSeries,"!")
dim strChartType: strChartType = arrParams(0)
dim intChartWidth: intChartWidth = arrParams(1)
dim intChartHeight: intChartHeight = arrParams(2)
dim strLegendPosition: strLegendPosition = arrParams(3)
dim fUseCustomColors: fUseCustomColors = cbool(arrParams(4))
dim fXAutoScale: fXAutoScale = cbool(arrParams(5))
dim fYAutoScale: fYAutoScale = cbool(arrParams(6))
dim intLineCount: intLineCount = arrParams(7)
dim strXAxisLabel: strXAxisLabel = arrParams(8)
dim strYAxisLabel: strYAxisLabel = arrParams(9)
dim strXFormat: strXFormat = arrParams(10)
dim oChart: set oChart = CreateObject("TeeChart.TChart.5")
oChart.Aspect.view3d = false
'oChart.Axis.Left.GridPen.Visible = false
'oChart.Axis.Bottom.GridPen.Visible = false
oChart.Axis.Bottom.Labels.Angle = 45
oChart.Axis.Bottom.Labels.Font.Bold = true
oChart.Axis.Bottom.Labels.Font.Size = 9
oChart.Axis.Left.Labels.Font.Size = 9
if len(strXAxisLabel) > 0 then
oChart.Axis.Bottom.Title.Caption = strXAxisLabel
oChart.Axis.Left.Title.Font.Size = 10
oChart.Axis.Left.Title.Font.Bold = true
end if
if len(strYAxisLabel) > 0 then
oChart.Axis.Left.Title.Caption = strYAxisLabel
oChart.Axis.Left.Title.Font.Size = 10
oChart.Axis.Left.Title.Font.Bold = true
end if
if len(strXFormat) > 0 then
oChart.Axis.Left.Labels.ValueFormat = strXFormat
end if
oChart.Height = intChartHeight
oChart.Width = intChartWidth
oChart.Panel.Color = vbWhite
oChart.Panel.BorderStyle = 0
oChart.Panel.BevelOffset = 0
oChart.Header.Visible = false
if lcase(strLegendPosition) = "right" then
oChart.Legend.Alignment = laRight
oChart.Legend.Alignment = laBottom
end if
dim arrSeriesParams
dim arrTempSeries
dim arrSeriesData
dim arrSeriesDataPoints
for i = 0 to intLineCount -1
arrTempSeries = split(arrSeries(i),"|")
arrSeriesParams = split(arrTempSeries(0),",")
arrSeriesData = split(arrTempSeries(1),":")
oChart.Series(i).Title = arrSeriesParams(1)
'oChart.Series(i).FillSampleValues 10
for j = 0 to ubound(arrSeriesData)
arrSeriesDataPoints = split(arrSeriesData(j), ",")
if arrSeriesDataPoints(0) <> "" then
oChart.Series(i).Add CDbl(arrSeriesDataPoints(0)), arrLabels(j), GetCustomColor(arrSeriesDataPoints(1))
' if arrSeriesParams(0) = "scLine" then
' oChart.series(i).asLine.outline.visible = true
' oChart.series(i).asLine.outline.color = vbBlack
' end if
end if
oChart.series(i).Color = GetCustomColor(arrSeriesDataPoints(1))
Response.ContentType = "image/PNG"
Response.BinaryWrite (oChart.Export.asPNG.SaveToStream)
set oChart = nothing
Function GetCustomColor(strInput)
dim Output
select case lcase(strInput)
case "blue": Output = HSV2RGB(240,157,179)
case "green": Output = HSV2RGB(120,155,153)
case "purple": Output = RGB(153,51,204)
case "yellow": Output = HSV2RGB(40,155,153)
case "red": Output = HSV2RGB(0,185,218)
case "orange": Output = HSV2RGB(30,192,243)
case "gray": Output = RGB(153,153,153)
case "aqua": Output = HSV2RGB(210,153,128)
case "cyan": Output = HSV2RGB(180,153,128)
case "teal": Output = HSV2RGB(145,153,128)
case "gold": Output = HSV2RGB(50,255,191)
case "violet": Output = HSV2RGB(320,153,128)
case "rose": Output = HSV2RGB(0,255,191)
case "olive": Output = HSV2RGB(80,153,128)
case "maroon": Output = HSV2RGB(0,153,128)
case "peach": Output = HSV2RGB(19,153,128)
case "brown": Output = HSV2RGB(40,153,128)
case "drab": Output = HSV2RGB(61,153,128)
case "lightgreen": Output = RGB(204, 255, 204)
case else: Output = RGB(255,255,255)
end select
GetCustomColor = Output
End Function
Function HSV2RGB( iHue, iSat, iVol ) '0..360, 0..360, 0..360 --> Color(R,G,B)
Dim H,S,V
Dim I : I=Abs(Fix(H))
Dim F : F=Abs(H-I)
Dim M : M=Abs(V*(1-S))
Dim N : N=Abs(V*(1-S*F))
Dim K : K=Abs(V*(1-S*(1-F)))
Select Case I
Case 1 : HSV2RGB = RGB(N,V,M)
Case 2 : HSV2RGB = RGB(M,V,K)
Case 3 : HSV2RGB = RGB(M,N,V)
Case 4 : HSV2RGB = RGB(K,M,V)
Case 5 : HSV2RGB = RGB(V,M,N)
Case else : HSV2RGB = RGB(V,K,M)
End Select
End Function