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PolarBar Series SetRotationAngle not found in

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 4:56 pm
by 15053453

We have updated a software package using TeeChartPro AX to to ensure we have the latest security patches.

However all is well until we call the Polar Bar series member function put_RotationAngle. at which point we get a exception raised when accessing the .ocx via CPolarBarSeries.h as follows

void put_RotationAngle( long newValue)
staic Byte params[] = VTS_I4
InvokeHelper(0xa, DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, VT_EMPTY, NULL, parms, newValue );

I have downloaded the evaluation copy for V8.0.0.8 and did notice that the functions have changed from put_ to Set and get_ to Get, but the call to InvokeHelper is the same in both versions. I did rebuild the dragging solution in VS2010 and modified it to call the RotationAngle function and this failed also with version I also tried other functions within PolarBarSeries and these too also failed.

Please can anyone advise me as to whether these functions are still accessible and if so what changes do I need to make ( the help files seem to imply this function should exist ). Secondly how can I see what members are in the OCX file, using Visual Studio and dumpbin.exe/depends.exe only shows me the OCX interface functions.

Thanking you for any help given.

Re: PolarBar Series SetRotationAngle not found in

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:59 am
by 10050769
Hello RichL,

Sorry for the delay. As explain in the e-mail I sent; we are realized that the problem occurs because is necessary generate again the classes of each version or maintenance release of TeeChartActivex. Therefore, I have modified the polarbarseries.cpp and the problem is solved for me. I have attached the file in the last e-mail I have sent you.

Could you confirm us the problem is solved for you, too?

Thanks in advance,