HTML (object within a table cell):
Code: Select all
<object id="TChart1" CODEBASE="/chart/,0,0,0" TYPE="application/x-oleobject" width="100%" height="100%" classid="CLSID:FAB9B41C-87D6-474D-AB7E-F07D78F2422E" ></object>
Code: Select all
Sub Window_onload()
With TChart1
.AddSeries scBar
.Series(0).FillSampleValues 6
.Tools.Add tcGridBand
With .Tools.Items(0).asGridBand
.Axis = TChart1.Axis.Left
.Band1.Color = 16250354
.Band2.Color = 16116201
End With
End With
End Sub
I suspect that I haven't added the GridBand properly to the chart. Does anyone know how to add a the GridBand tool to a chart within VBScript? or any tool for that matter?
Thanks in advance!