The topics below provide complete information on using TeeChart NET for Avalonia edition.

Installable License

Installing TeeChart NET for Avalonia Nuget Packages

The TeeChart NET for Avalonia edition uses a license file to activate the evaluation version, removing the watermark displayed on evaluation version charts.
The following video tutorials are designed to help with some common tasks relating to the license.
  How to add the TeeChart.licenses file to a Avalonia Framework project for runtime licensing
The TeeChart.licenses file should be installed as an embedded resource in your Avalonia Framework project.
  How to enable the TeeChart.licenses file for designtime licensing
Use the environment variable, LICENSE_PATH, set to the folder path to the teechart.licenses file to enable the TeeChart license at designtime.
Activate/Desactivate your license

How to deliver the TeeChart License to a development machine.
The TeeChart NET for Avalonia edition uses a small app called TeeCalc_Lic to deliver the TeeChart License to a development machine.
The following video tutorials are designed to help with the details of how to use the app in different circumstances:

How to use the TeeCalc_Lic app to deliver the TeeChart.licenses file to a development machine with an active connection to the internet.

How to use the TeeCalc_Lic app to deactivate the TeeChart.licenses file on a development machine with an active connection to the internet.

How to use the TeeCalc_Lic app to activate the TeeChart.licenses file on a development machine without an active connection to the internet.
Use URL:

How to use the TeeCalc_Lic app to deactivate the TeeChart.licenses file on a development machine without an active connection to the internet.
Use URL:

Checking your license information
Please follow this link to check your license information.
Please follow this link to check the machine ids where your license is installed.
Tutorials & API Reference

Extensive documentation and tutorials for the use of the TeeChart API can be found at the Steema pages here:



TeeChart example code resides on Github at this location:

Specific examples for Avalonia projects are listed here.

Live demos

Coded examples demo for Avalonia are available here.

Release History

The release history contains information on changes, improvements, new features and bug fixes. Visit the Release Notes here.

Technical Support

Steema offers various support options. Steema's online forums at are read-only for evaluation-version users and read-write for registered-version users. Visit the support options page to learn more.